Saturday, December 26, 2009


I have been asked why I would want to start a blog. The answer is on one hand simple, and on the other quite complex. First, the simple answer is to keep a record of my experience and to share it with friends and family. Second is the complex answer, a blog gives me an unbiased, non-judgmental, unedited forum to post my thoughts feelings, and photos, of a simi-unique journey abroad, while hopefully sparking some form of intellectual reflection on the events that led to my time in Japan and the emotional roller-coaster ride taken us on. I am aware that that was one hell of a run on sentence, but that’s how it works. No letter grade means that I can say what I want. You don’t have to like it…hell; you don’t even have to read it. Agree or not, I would love for you to comment. I know that I am not going through this experience alone, and one of my goals is to have this be an interactive medium which allows all of you to share your part of the journey too. I would like to say that I would write something every day to post while I’m over here, but then I would already be over six weeks behind. Instead I will say that I will try to find the significant moments and experiences in what is a routine lifestyle and post my thoughts on those. It would be easy for me to logon everyday and say that I went to work and went to chow, but what fun would that be. Welcome to my life…Live from Calcatraz, Okinawa.

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